When Do Cats Start Shedding?

Do Cats Shed?

Cats are fascinating creatures with their playful nature and independent spirit. As cat owners, we adore their soft fur but shedding can sometimes be a concern. So, when do cats start shedding?

Understanding when and why cats shed their fur is essential to provide the best care for our feline friends. In this article, we’ll delve into the shedding cycle of cats, its significance, and effective ways to manage shedding.

White Persian cat shedding

When Do Cats Shed the Most?

Cats are popular for their beautiful fur, but we often deal with shedding hair as pet owners. Understanding when cats shed the most is crucial to managing this natural process effectively. Cats, like many other animals, experience seasonal shedding.

The two primary shedding seasons for cats are spring and fall. As the days get longer and the temperatures rise in spring, cats shed their winter coats to adapt to the changing environment.

Similarly, in the fall, they shed their summer coat to prepare for the upcoming colder months. These seasonal changes occur depending on variations in daylight hours, which trigger hormonal responses in cats, leading to shedding.

When Do Kittens Start Shedding?

Cats typically start shedding their fur around four to six months of age. This shedding phase is known as “kitten molt” and is a natural part of a cat’s development. During this time, kittens shed their soft and fluffy baby fur to make way for their adult coat.

The onset of shedding cat hair can vary slightly depending on the cat’s breed, genetics, and environmental factors. However, most kittens will begin shedding their baby fur as they transition into adulthood. This shedding process helps prepare their body for the growth of their permanent adult coat.

As kittens grow, their adult coats emerge, and shedding becomes more noticeable. The adult coat is usually thicker and denser than the baby fur, which may result in more significant shedding during this transition period.

Various factors, including changes in daylight and temperature, influence cats’ shedding process.

Regular grooming is essential during a cat’s shedding phase to help remove loose fur and prevent matting. Brushing your cat’s fur regularly also promotes healthy skin and coat and minimizes the spread of loose fur around your home.

How Much Do Cats Shed?

The amount of shedding a cat experiences can vary significantly depending on its breed and coat type. Long-haired breeds, such as Persians, Maine Coons, and Ragdolls, have dense fur and shed more profusely than short-haired breeds like Siamese and Abyssinians. Cats with double coats, such as Norwegian Forest Cats, also tend to shed more.

The environment in which a cat lives can also affect its shedding patterns. Indoor cats often shed moderately throughout the year due to consistent lighting and temperature in the home. 

On the other hand, outdoor cats are more influenced by natural changes in daylight and temperature, leading to more noticeable shedding during spring and fall.

A healthy cat will shed regularly as part of its natural fur cycle. Nonetheless, excessive shedding can be a sign of health issues. Stressed cats have dietary deficiencies or suffer from certain medical conditions that may shed more than usual.

Cat owners need to monitor their pet’s shedding and consult a veterinarian if they notice a sudden increase in shedding or other concerning symptoms.

Factors Affecting Shedding Patterns

Several factors contribute to how much and when a cat sheds:

1. Breed and Coat Type

Different cat breeds have varying fur lengths and textures, leading to diverse shedding patterns. Long-haired breeds tend to shed more than short-haired breeds. Cats with double coats also shed more frequently.

2. Age and Health

Due to their developing or aging fur, kittens, and seniors may shed more than adult cats. Health issues, stress, hormonal changes, and dietary deficiencies can impact shedding patterns.

3. Environmental Factors

The environment in which a cat lives can influence shedding. Seasonal changes, variations in temperature, humidity levels, and indoor heating can all affect how much a cat sheds.

Managing Shedding

While shedding is a natural process, there are ways to minimize its impact:

1. Regular Grooming

Regularly groom your cat, especially during peak shedding seasons. Brushing helps remove loose fur and reduces the hair your cat sheds.

2. A Balanced Diet

Provide your cat with a well-balanced diet with essential nutrients for healthy skin and fur. Proper nutrition can help reduce excessive shedding.

3. Using Hairball Remedies

Shedding can lead to hairballs in cats. Using hairball remedies or cat treats with added fiber can help prevent hairballs from forming.

4. Providing Stress Relief

You may be wondering, do cats shed when stressed? Yes! Stress can exacerbate shedding in cats. Creating a calm, stress-free environment, providing toys, and engaging in playtime can help relax your cat.

When Do Cats Stop Shedding?

Cats do not stop shedding; shedding is a natural and ongoing process. Cats shed continuously throughout the year, unlike other animals with a specific shedding season. Shedding is vital to a cat’s natural fur cycle, helping them maintain healthy skin and regulate body temperature.

As cats age, their shedding patterns and fur condition may change. Senior cats, typically around the age of seven or eight years, may experience some alterations in their fur texture and density. Some senior cats may shed less due to age-related factors, while others may shed more due to health issues or changes in their hormonal levels.

Cat owners need to continue regular grooming to manage shedding and maintain the health of their cat’s fur. Regular brushing helps remove loose hair, prevents matting, and reduces the amount of fur shed around the home. Proper nutrition with a well-balanced diet supports healthy skin and coats, which can also contribute to managing shedding.

Even though cats do not stop shedding, you can take steps to reduce the impact of shedding and promote a healthy coat in your feline companions throughout their entire lives.

White Persian cat grooming

Why Do Cats Shed?

Cats shed their fur as a natural and essential process to maintain a healthy coat and regulate body temperature. There are several reasons why cats shed:

  • Regulating body temperature: Shedding helps cats adapt to changing temperatures. In warmer months, shedding reduces the thickness of their fur, keeping them cooler. In colder months, shedding helps them shed their lighter summer coat and grow a thicker winter coat for insulation.
  • Removing old and damaged fur: Shedding allows cats to get rid of old, damaged, or dead fur. This process ensures that their fur remains in optimal condition, promoting the growth of new and healthy hair.
  • Promoting skin health: Shedding helps cats shed old skin cells, dander, and debris, keeping their skin clean and healthy.
  • Preventing overheating: Cats cannot sweat like humans do, so shedding is an essential way for them to release excess body heat, preventing overheating.
  • Seasonal changes: Cats get influenced by changes in daylight and temperature, leading to more noticeable shedding during seasonal transitions.
  • Hormonal influences: Hormones play a role in the shedding process. Changes in hormones, especially during the transition from kittenhood to adulthood, can trigger shedding.
  • Environmental factors: Environmental factors, such as indoor heating, humidity, and artificial lighting, can influence cat shedding.

Non-Shedding Cat Breeds

If you love cats but suffer from allergies or simply prefer a clean and fur-free home, non-shedding cat breeds, also known as hypoallergenic cat breeds, might be your purr-fect choice. 

These feline companions produce fewer allergens and shed less, making them ideal for allergy-prone individuals or those who prefer low-maintenance pets.

It’s important to note that no cat is entirely hypoallergenic, as all cats produce some allergens in their saliva, skin, and urine. However, hypoallergenic breeds have genetic traits that result in lower allergen production. Here are some non-shedding cat breeds:

Sphynx: The Sphynx is one of the most well-known hypoallergenic breeds due to its lack of fur. Despite their hairless appearance, Sphynx cats still require regular grooming to remove oils and dead skin cells.

Russian Blue: The Russian Blue has a short, dense coat that sheds minimally. They are well known for their striking blue-gray fur and enchanting green eyes.

Balinese: Balinese cats have long, silky fur but shed less than other long-haired breeds. Regular grooming helps maintain their beautiful coat.

Cornish Rex: The Cornish Rex has a unique wavy coat that sheds very little. Their soft and curly fur is a delight to touch.

Devon Rex: Similar to the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex has a curly coat that sheds minimally. Their playful and affectionate nature makes them wonderful companions.

Siamese: They have short, fine fur that sheds less than many other breeds. They are well known for their striking blue almond-shaped eyes and vocal personality.

Bengal: The Bengal’s short, luxurious coat sheds less than other breeds. They have a wild appearance with striking spotted or marbled patterns.

LaPerm: LaPerm cats have a unique curly coat that sheds very little. They are affectionate and enjoy being the center of attention.

The Difference Between Outdoor and Indoor Feline Shedding

There are notable differences in shedding patterns between outdoor and indoor cats due to various factors related to their environment and lifestyle. Here are some:

Outdoor Feline Shedding

Seasonal Influence

Outdoor cats are more influenced by changes in daylight and temperature, leading to more noticeable seasonal shedding. They shed their winter coat in the spring to adapt to rising temperatures and their summer coat in the fall to prepare for colder weather.

Natural Environmental Factors

Outdoor cats get exposed to various environmental elements, such as dirt, debris, and allergens. These factors can impact shedding, causing outdoor cats to shed more frequently or heavily to remove potential irritants from their fur.

Grooming Behavior

Outdoor cats may often groom themselves to remove foreign substances from their fur. Increased grooming can lead to more loose hair shedding in the environment.

Hair Protection

Outdoor cats may have thicker and more substantial fur to protect themselves from weather conditions, such as rain and cold temperatures. This thicker coat may contribute to increased shedding during the shedding seasons.

Indoor Feline Shedding

Consistent Shedding

Indoor cats tend to shed more consistently throughout the year due to stable lighting and controlled temperatures in their home environment. They get less influenced by seasonal changes, which can result in less noticeable shedding.

Artificial Light Exposure

Indoor cats get exposed to artificial light, which can lead to less variation in their shedding patterns. Some indoor cats may even shed minimally year-round.


Indoor cats may be more prone to developing hairballs due to their constant grooming and potentially ingesting loose fur. Regular grooming and hairball remedies are essential to manage this issue.

Shedding Control

Indoor cat owners have more control over shedding management. Regular grooming and vacuuming can help reduce loose fur in the environment.

The Four Types of Hair That Make Up Feline Fur

Feline fur comprises four primary types of hair, each serving different functions and contributing to a cat’s overall appearance and well-being. These four types of hair are:

Guard Hairs

Guard hairs are the longest and most visible on a cat’s coat. They form the outermost layer and protect against environmental elements, such as rain and dirt. Guard hairs are typically straight and provide the cat’s coat with its primary color and pattern.

Awn Hairs

Awn hairs, also known as “awnings” or “awn bristles,” are intermediate in length between guard and down strands. They are slightly shorter than guard hairs and are responsible for providing the cat’s coat with its distinctive texture. Awn hairs may have a somewhat coarser or wavy appearance than guard hairs.

Down Hairs

Down hairs are the softest and shortest hairs in a cat’s fur. They are responsible for insulating the cat and keeping them warm. Down hairs are also the ones that contribute to the fluffiness and softness of a cat’s coat. These hairs are not visible from a distance, as the longer guard and awn hairs obscure them.

Tactile Hairs

Tactile hairs, also known as “whiskers” or “vibrissae,” are unique types of hair found on a cat’s face and other body areas, such as the legs. Whiskers are highly sensitive and crucial to a cat’s sensory perception. They help cats navigate their surroundings and gauge distances, serving as a valuable tool for hunting and exploring.

The Kitten and Cat Hair Growing Cycle

The hair-growing cycle of kittens and cats is a continuous and natural process that allows for the growth and renewal of their fur. The cycle consists of four stages, each vital in promoting a healthy coat.

Anagen Phase (Growth Stage)

The anagen phase is the active growth stage of a cat’s hair cycle. During this stage, hair follicles in the skin actively produce new hair. The length of the anagen phase determines the maximum length a cat’s hair can grow. For most domestic cats, the anagen phase lasts for several months.

Catagen Phase (Transition Phase)

The catagen phase is a short transition period that follows the anagen phase. At this stage, the hair follicle starts to shrink, and the production of new hair stops. The old hair is still firmly anchored in the skin.

Telogen Phase (Resting Phase)

The telogen phase is a resting period during which the hair follicle remains inactive. No new hair growth occurs during this stage. The old hair continues to stay in place by the hair follicle.

Exogen Phase (Shedding Phase)

The exogen phase is when the old hair gets shed and replaced with new hair. As the new hair starts to grow in the hair follicle, it pushes the old hair out, causing it to shed. Shedding is a normal part of the hair-growing cycle and allows for a cat’s coat renewal.

Various factors, including genetics, age, hormones, and environmental factors, such as daylight and temperature changes, influence cats’ hair-growing cycle. Kittens typically have a faster hair-growing process compared to adult cats.

As kittens grow into adulthood, their hair growth rate may slow, and the cycle may become more synchronized with seasonal changes.

It’s important to note that different parts of a cat’s body may be at various stages of the hair-growing cycle at any given time. This is why cats may shed continuously throughout the year, with some periods of more noticeable shedding during seasonal transitions.

Understanding the hair-growing cycle of kittens and cats helps cat owners appreciate the natural process of shedding and fur renewal. Regular grooming and proper care support a healthy coat and ensure your feline friend looks and feels their best at every stage of their hair growing cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is My Cat Shedding So Much?

If your cat is shedding excessively, there could be several reasons for this increase in fur loss. Understanding the potential causes can help you address the issue and ensure your cat’s well-being. Here are some common reasons why cats may shed more than usual:

Seasonal shedding: Cats often experience more noticeable shedding during seasonal changes, especially in the spring and fall. The increased daylight and temperature fluctuations trigger hormonal responses, leading to more shedding.

Breed and coat type: Some cat breeds, especially long-haired breeds of cats with double coats, naturally shed more than others. Breeds like Persians, Maine Coons, and Ragdolls are well known for their abundant fur and may shed more frequently.

Stress and anxiety: Cats can shed more when stressed, anxious, or experiencing environmental changes. Moving to a new home, changes in the household, or the presence of new pets can trigger stress-related shedding.

Underlying health issues: Certain health conditions can cause excessive shedding in cats. Allergies, skin infections, parasites, hormonal imbalances, and dietary deficiencies are some health issues that may contribute to increased shedding.

Dietary factors: A poor or imbalanced diet can impact your cat’s coat health and contribute to excessive shedding. Cats require essential nutrients for healthy skin and fur, and a lack of these nutrients may result in increased fur loss.

Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or nursing in female cats, can lead to increased shedding.

Environmental factors: Indoor heating and constant exposure to artificial light can disrupt a cat’s natural shedding cycle, causing them to shed more consistently throughout the year.

What is the Treatment For Excessive Shedding in Cats?

The treatment for excessive shedding in cats depends on the underlying cause. If your cat is shedding excessively, it’s essential to identify the reason for the increased fur loss. Here are some common approaches to managing and treating excessive shedding in cats:

Balanced diet: Providing your cat with a well-balanced diet that comprises essential nutrients for healthy skin and fur is crucial. Proper nutrition can help reduce excessive shedding and improve the overall condition of your cat’s coat.

Supplements: In some cases, adding certain supplements to your cat’s diet may be beneficial. Omega-3 fatty acids and other vital supplements can improve coat health and reduce shedding.

Flea control: Fleas can cause skin irritation and lead to excessive shedding. Ensuring your cat is well-protected from fleas and other parasites is essential in managing shedding.

Allergy management: If your cat has allergies, managing the allergens can help reduce shedding. Identifying and avoiding allergens that trigger shedding can make a significant difference.

Health check-up: If you notice a sudden increase in shedding or other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to have your cat examined by a veterinarian. Underlying health problems, such as hormonal imbalances or skin infections, may need immediate attention.

Medication: In some cases, veterinarians may prescribe medications or topical treatments to manage excessive shedding, primarily due to specific medical conditions.

Cat in a beauty salon

Final Verdict

Understanding cat shedding and the reasons behind this natural process helps us become better caregivers. Regular grooming, a balanced diet, and creating a stress-free environment are essential for managing shedding. 

If you notice that your cat is shedding significantly more than usual or if other concerning symptoms accompany the shedding, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian. A veterinarian can thoroughly examine, identify any underlying health issues, and recommend appropriate measures to manage shedding and improve your cat’s overall health.

By embracing your cat’s fur cycle and providing appropriate care, you can ensure your feline companion’s happy and healthy life.

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