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Does Catnip WORK On Dogs?

does catnip work on dogs

Is there catnip for dogs?

Does catnip work on dogs? If you’ve seen how a cat behaves on catnip, this is the one question likely to linger in your mind. You may also wonder,  how long does catnip last on dogs?

Catnip is a mint-like herb that contains nepetalactone as the main active chemical. The catnip plant returns yearly. Most cat owners have this plant in their compounds because cats love catnip! The nepetalactone in catnip drives cats crazy! It causes them to feel mellow and super excited. You can find nepetalactone on the plants’ leaves, pods, and stems.

You can give your dog catnip by adding catnip leaves to their drinking water or adding it directly to its food. The dog and cat families differ in many ways; it is no surprise these two animals respond entirely differently to catnip. While cats get thrilled in the herb, rolling it in and staggering, dogs do not. Your dog is likely to appear indifferent or calmer after taking catnip. 

Whereas there has been no conclusive research on its effects, dog owners have found that dogs respond to anise the same way cats respond to catnip. Anise is a herb related to parsley with a strong sweet smell. Anise is commonly used to train scent dogs. So is there catnip for dogs? Is catnip good for dogs? Do dogs love catnip? Let’s find out!

Is Feline Catnip Bad for Dogs?

The other thing most dog owners wish to understand is whether catnip is good for dogs. Feline catnip is not only safe for dogs, but it’s also very healthy. Unlike cats, where catnip causes extreme excitement, dogs will be calmer and relaxed. 

Does Catnip Work on Dogs?

Yes, it does. However, most dogs don’t respond to catnip. Catnip works as a mild sedative on dogs. Due to its sedative effects, catnip is useful to dogs that suffer from anxiety.

Many dogs suffer from anxiety when left home alone and during vet visits. Others become anxious during car rides or storms. The calming effect of catnip will help your dog to feel calm in the mentioned situations.

Researchers are yet to conclude whether catnip works on dogs. However, most herbalists advise that although catnip may not have the same rolling effect on dogs as on cats.  It may still have an effect. Humans have enjoyed catnip tea for centuries due to its calming effects. This herb has the same soothing effect on dogs.

If your dog suffers from chronic anxiety, you may consider administering catnip daily as a behavioral control practice. As with any other drug, ask your vet before using catnip for medicinal purposes.

What Does Catnip Do to Dogs?

If your dog shows interest in catnip plants, do not expect them to have a buzz as cats do. The effects of feline catnip on dogs are seductive and mild. When given catnip, your dog will be easy, calm, and relaxed. Unlike cats who become wild and excited when given catnip, your dog is likely to doze off. 

Although many dogs respond differently to catnip, most dogs will simply sleep and be indifferent. Although dogs respond more calmly to catnip, you should still give them because it’s nutritious. 

The impact of catnip on dogs varies depending on various factors. Your dog’s body size and weight are among the key factors. When giving catnip to your dog, understand that many dog breeds do not respond to this herb. Do not give your pup large amounts of catnip before consulting with your vet. 

Do Dogs Like Catnips?

Your dog is likely to freak out the first time they smell catnip. This response is normal. Due to this reaction, most dog owners wonder whether or not their dogs like catnip. The answer is yes, dogs like catnip. Like human beings, dogs have receptors in their nervous system. Most of these receptors are around the nose and stomach area.

Some dog owners purposefully introduced their dogs to catnip after they accidentally consumed some, and the owners realized the effects were awesome. Many people who give catnip to their dogs have confessed that they are happy with the outcome.

How Long Does Catnip Last on Dogs?

Unlike cats, most dogs do not respond to catnip. If your dog responds to catnip, the results will be visible in 30 to 45 minutes. The duration it takes to see the results depends on the amount given and the size of your dog.

If your dog is huge, you may consider serving a generous amount of catnip for a quicker response. If you are giving catnip to calm anxiety, consider administering it 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Like most herbal leaves, the catnip effect is likely to last for a short time. The effects are likely to last for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the amount given.

How to Give a Dog Catnip

Catnip can be served both as a health supplement or for medicinal purposes for dogs with extreme anxiety. If you are considering tapping into the nutritional value of catnip, there are various ways to add it to your dog’s diet. 

You can give your dog fresh catnip leaves or dried catnip. The easiest way to add catnip to your dog’s diet is by sprinkling a teaspoon on their food; in this case, you should use dried catnip. Be careful of the amount you add. The recommended amount is ¼ teaspoon. 

You may also give your dog catnip by adding fresh catnip leaves to their drinking water. Catnip also exists in oil form. Applying catnip oil on your dog’s coat will calm your dog down after a rough day. Catnip oil also helps keeps away mosquitos and fleas, giving your furry buddy a good night’s sleep.

The safest and best way to add catnip to your dog’s diet is by buying them dog treats. The manufacturers do all the hard work of packaging the catnip into safe, easy-to-use amounts.

The Benefits of Catnip on Dogs

Catnip is safe, nutritious, and good for dogs. Catnip contains vital nutrients that can boost your dog’s health. Some of the vitamins in catnip include the following:

Besides providing your dog with the above vital vitamins, catnip also reduces anxiety in dogs. Here are more benefits of feeding catnip to your hound:

Helps With Sleep Issues

Catnip acts as a mild sedative. If your hairy buddy has trouble sleeping at night, consider giving them some catnip before sleep time. Providing small amounts of catnip before sleep time will make your pup calm down and induce sleep. 

Calms Anxiety

You can use catnip to ease your dog if they suffer from anxiety. Many dogs experience anxiety when being taken to the vet, during storms and when left home alone. Giving Catnip 30 minutes beforehand will make your dog calmer and less anxious. Sprinkle ¼ teaspoon on their food and allow them to rest for half an hour for the catnip to take effect.

Aids in Digestion

Feline catnip is helpful when it comes to digestive issues. Catnip relaxes the muscles of the digestive tracts preventing your dog from passing stool too quickly. When serving food that causes flatulence, adding some catnip will help in reducing gas. Simply sprinkle a ¼ teaspoon on the food while serving.

It Prevents Fleas and Mosquitos

Catnip prevents fleas, mosquitos, ticks, and other insects from bothering your dog. If your dog bites and scratches themselves too much, you should consider giving them catnip. If you are explicitly using catnip to keep off mosquitos and fleas, consider purchasing catnip oil and applying it on your dog’s skin.

Prevents and Reduces Cough

Giving your dog catnip once in a while helps prevent and relieve cough. If your dog has a cough, adding catnip to its food will help ease the cough. As with all other medication, ensure you consult your vet first.

Has Antimicrobial and Antifungal Properties

According to research, giving your dog catnip once in a while helps prevent gram-positive bacteria and fungi. Gram-positive bacteria cause infections such as anthrax, diphtheria, and listeriosis. Giving catnip will ensure your hairy buddy stays healthy and happy.

Dogs suffer from fungal infections when they contact other infected animals. Fungi cause infections to both the skin and other internal organs. Giving catnip to your dog will help prevent fungal infections, ensuring it stays healthy.

Besides those mentioned above, feline catnip also promotes well-being and vigor. It also raises the levels of psychological activity in your dog’s mind. Further research also indicates that catnip aids in removing excess mucus from the body. 

Giving your dog catnip oil also promotes urination. Urination relieves the dog of excessive water and flushes out harmful toxins such as urea and wastes from colds and allergies.

Feline Catnip – The Harmful Side-Effects for Dogs

Although catnip has no severe side effects on dogs, there are a few cons to giving it to your pup. As with many other dogs, your pup may not like how catnip smells and is likely to freak out when you introduce it to catnip. This is a normal response and should not worry you.

Giving your dog too much catnip will cause it to vomit. If your fairy friend has a sensitive stomach, they could still vomit if given small amounts of catnip. It would help if you were moderate and cautious when introducing your dog to catnip. Consult with your vet on the right amount to start with and whether you should give dry or fresh catnip.

Serving catnip in large amounts could lead to various harmful health conditions in the long run. The short-run effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Also, catnip stimulates uterine contractions and can cause early labor if given to a pregnant dog.

If your dog has had a history of heart or urinary infections, giving them catnip may worsen. It is paramount to consult your vet before giving your dog catnip.

The Final Word

So, does catnip work on dogs? Yes! Catnip has many health benefits, and it would be a great idea to give it to your dog! However, feline catnip can also be harmful to your dog.

If you consider giving your pooch catnip, you must talk to your vet first. Before approving it, your vet will analyze your dog’s well-being and the likely effects of the herb.

If your vet should approve it, serve the catnip in moderation. Although catnip does not have any adverse effects, you should contact your doctor if you notice any alarming symptoms.

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