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10 Dog Grooming Tips for Pet Owners by a Professional Groomer

10 Dog Grooming Tips for Pet Owners by a Professional Groomer

The Importance of Regular Dog Grooming

Today is all about dog grooming tips!

Our furry friends maintain their hygiene of coat by licking the fur, chewing the coat, and rolling on the ground. Even though they are doing the best to keep themselves clean, they need our help. 

If you don’t have experience with pet grooming, you are in the right place! These ten dog grooming tips will help you to create a home-based routine that both you and your pooch can enjoy.

10 Dog Grooming Tips for Pet Owners by a Professional Groomer

Brush the Coat

Give your dog a good brushing to keep its coat shiny and neat. Brushing will remove all dead hair, mat, and dirt. Regardless of the breed, dogs need regular brushing with comb or brush to keep the hair of your pet in good condition. 

The only difference is that the amount of brushing depends on the dog’s texture and length of the coat. 

Dogs with short and smooth hair, like Boxers, may need brushing only once a week. Use a rubber brush to remove the dirt and dead skin. After that, you can use a bristle brush to remove loose hair.

If you have a pup that has short and dense fur that’s prone to matting (like a retriever), brush it once a week using a slicker brush. It will help with tangled hair, and after that, use a bristle brush to remove dead hair.

If your dog has a long coat, such as a Yorkie, brushing will become your daily task. Use a slicker brush to remove tangles and prevent mats, and then proceed with a bristle brush. 


Most dogs need bathing every couple of months to prevent hygiene and odor issues. Your furry friend might need more frequent baths if it spends a lot of the time outside or has skin issues. In other cases, bathing your dog more often than recommended will dry out the skin and strip natural oils from the coat. 

Before bathing, give your dog a good brushing to remove mats and all dead hair. Fill the tub or the sink with lukewarm water up to four inches and then put the dog into it. Using a spray hose, cup, or plastic pitcher to pour warm water over your dog.

Pay attention not to spray or pour the water into the dog’s eyes, ears, or nose. If you want to keep it on the safe side, you can use large cotton balls and place them in your dog’s ears until the bath is over. 

Using the water and the washcloth only, carefully remove any dirt from the dog’s face.

Gently massage the shampoo into the coat from head to tail. Again, be careful and avoid your dog’s eyes, mouth, and ears. Rinse the shampoo off and repeat if it’s needed. Give your pet a good rub with a towel to dry it, or, if it’s cold, use a blow dryer with the coolest settings.

Make sure to dry your pooch thoroughly before the grooming session because partially dried coats can curl more and be difficult to trim.

Choosing a Shampoo

Use a shampoo that’s specially formulated for dogs. Although human shampoos aren’t toxic for pets, dog’s skin has different PH levels than humans, and using human shampoo can irritate your pet’s skin. 

Generally, oatmeal-based shampoos are the best option. You can also use flee shampoo, hypoallergenic, or medicated shampoo if needed.

Additionally, you can use a conditioner for dogs with sensitive skin and dry and brittle hair, which will help to reduce matting.

Dog Grooming Kit

If you plan on doing the grooming by yourself, our professional dog grooming tip would be to invest in quality dog brushes, trimers, and scissors. You’ll see the difference when you work with them, and they will last longer. Always keep your dog grooming kit in good shape by cleaning it after use, lubricating and sharpening when needed.

To trim your dog’s coat, you will need a few clippers and blades, which are differently numbered than human clipper blades. For a shorter cut, use blades #5, #7, #9 or #10. For longer cuts, use the ones numbered with #5 (or #8), #3, or #4.

Make sure that the blades you use are finished cut or is the FC version of the blades. Those blades have the teeth spaced a bit farther apart than skip tooth blades and aren’t as sharp as those. For armpits, the sanitary area, and around the eyes, use a #10 blade only.

Remember to always go with the lay of the hair when you trim your pup. Keep the tip of your blade down against the skin, holding back at an angle. Pull the skin taut to make sure not to cut your dog’s skin with the dog trimmer.

Quick Health Check

While grooming your dog, you can always check if there is something that is going on. This way, you can catch if they have a growth or a skin issue before it becomes harmful. Run your fingers through the dog’s coat for a quick health check. 

Then, you can take a closer look by parting the coat to examine the skin more closely for redness, rashes, bald spots, bumps, or parasitic infestations.

Organize the Grooming Equipment

A good piece of advice is to organize your grooming tools and to have one place for them that is accessible when you do the grooming. When you have everything together – shampoo, brushes, trimers, scissors, the process will run smoothly (and your dog will have a lesser chance to escape the grooming if he doesn’t like it).

An Extra Pair of Hands

If you have a dog that will not stand still while drying and grooming, another good dog grooming tip and trick you can use is to get a Groomers Helper device. It will help you to stabilize the dog and stop it from spinning and struggling.

This way, the grooming will be smoother and faster. If a Groomers Helper device exceeds your budget, you can always ask for extra helping hands from your family member or a friend.


A regular grooming routine should include ear checks as well. If your dog’s inner ears are dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or a piece of gauze dampened with hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil, or a liquid ear cleaner especially made for dogs.

Do this by gently folding your pet’s ear and wipe any earwax and debris. Make sure that you lift away the earwax and dirt instead of rubbing it into the ear. 


If your dog’s nails are snagging or clicking on the floor, then it’s time to trim them. As a rule of thumb, dog nails should be trimmed when they are just about to touch the ground when they walk. Some dogs may need a weekly pedicure, while others can go longer between clippings.

There are two basic types of nail clippers for dogs: a scissor-type and a guillotine-type. Both work well, so choose the one that suits you the best. 

Start with the back paws because they are less sensitive. Hold the paw firmly and cut the end of the nail at a 45-degree angle. You can take a few smaller cuts or one large cut, but always be careful not to cut too deep. It’s all right to cut the dog’s nails until you see the tiny black dot in the center, surrounded by white.


To keep your pup’s mouth healthy, regularly brush its teeth and provide many chew toys. Alongside a nutritious diet, these will provide healthy teeth and gums. 

How often should you brush your dog’s teeth? 

Two to three times a week for the best results. 

Always use toothpaste specially made for canines. Human toothpaste can irritate a dog’s stomach. Also, there are toothbrushes made for cats and dogs. They are smaller than human toothbrushes and have softer bristles. 

Work on one area of your dog’s mouth at a time, lifting the lip as necessary. Clean in small, circular motions at a 45-degree angle to the teeth. Usually, the side of the tooth that touches the cheek has the most tartar. Giving a final downside stroke can help you to remove it.

Our Bonus Dog Grooming Tip

Many dogs take time to get used to grooming and need positive reinforcement and encouragement. Take it slowly and give a lot of treats and praise so that your furry friend will look forward to its next grooming session.

A good grooming routine can be quality time spent together, a demonstration of your love for your dog, and keep your pup healthy, clean and beautiful. 

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