Microchip Cat Feeder Reviews: Revolutionize Feline Feeding

Protect your feline friend with a microchip cat feeder that ensures their safety and health.

What are Microchip Feeders for Cats?

Cat microchip feeders, or selective feeders, are food bowls or feeders designed only to allow access to a specific cat based on their microchip. Microchip feeders for cats are ideal for multi-cat households where one cat may steal another’s food or for cats with medical conditions that require specific diets. 

These feeders work by recognizing the unique microchip ID of each cat, ensuring that only the designated cat can access the food. 

Black cat eating in bowl

Which Cat Owner Will Benefit From This Product?

Microchip automatic cat feeders, also known as microchip pet feeders, benefit various cat owners. Here are some of the different uses of these feeders:

Multi-Cat Households

For cat owners with multiple cats, microchip cat feeders are an excellent investment. These feeders use microchip technology to ensure that each cat only eats their designated amount of food, preventing other cats from food that may harm their health. This can help to decrease stress and tension between cats, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious environment.

Cats with Medical Conditions

Cats with medical conditions that require specific diets can also benefit from microchip pet feeders. These feeders can be programmed to disperse a particular amount of food at set intervals, ensuring that the cat gets the right amount of food at the right time. This can be especially important for cats with conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease.

Busy Cat Owners

Microchip automatic cat feeders can be a lifesaver for cat owners who are frequently away from home or have busy schedules. These feeders can be programmed to ensure the cat gets regular meals even when the owner is not at home. This can be especially important for cats who require multiple small meals throughout the day.

Weight Management

Microchip pet feeders can also be used to help manage a cat’s weight. These feeders can be programmed to limit food, controlling portion sizes and ensuring that each cat only eats their designated amount. This can help to prevent obesity in cats, which can lead to many health problems.

Microchip cat feeders are a versatile and helpful tool for cat owners who want to ensure their cats are healthy, happy, and well-fed.

Straight to the Point – Our Favorite

After conducting research and testing, we have determined that the Our Pets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl is the best microchip cat feeder on the market. This feeder offers a range of features, making it a standout choice for cat owners.

One of the most impressive features of this microchip cat feeder is its selective feeding technology, which allows you to program the feeder to only open for a specific cat based on its microchip or RFID tag. This ensures that each cat receives the correct portion size and prevents other pets or animals from accessing the food.

The feeder also offers several feeding modes, including portion control and timed feeding, which allows you to customize your cat’s feeding schedule to fit their needs. The feeder is also easy to clean, with dishwasher-safe parts and a removable bowl for easy washing.

Regarding durability, the feeder is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. It also comes with a one-year warranty for added peace of mind.

Overall, this product is the best microchip cat feeder on the market. Its advanced features, reliability, and durability make it a top choice for cat owners looking for an easy and reliable way to feed their furry friends.

Owner feeding cat at home

Our Other Picks at a Glance

Our Pets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet BowlBest Overall

PortionPro Rx Automatic Pet Feeder (for Both Cats and Dogs)Best Multipet Microchip Feeder

Sure Petcare - SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect With HubBest Built-In Portion Control Settings

Automatic Pet Feeder - Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Pet FeederBest Microchip Feeder for Two Cats

Sure Petcare - SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect with Hub - WiFi Link and App Controlled, White (4 x C Batteries Required)
OurPets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl
Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Feeder
Product name
Sure Petcare – SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect with Hub – WiFi Link and App Controlled, White (4 x C Batteries Required)
OurPets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl
Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Feeder
Price not available
Sure Petcare - SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect with Hub - WiFi Link and App Controlled, White (4 x C Batteries Required)
Product name
Sure Petcare – SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect with Hub – WiFi Link and App Controlled, White (4 x C Batteries Required)
Buy Now
OurPets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl
Product name
OurPets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl
Price not available
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Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Feeder
Product name
Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Feeder
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A Microchip Feline Feeder Deep Dive (Reviews)

Our Pets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl – Best Overall

Brand: Our Pets

Color/s: Tan

Material: Stainless steel

If you’re looking for a way to manage your pet’s feeding schedule, a microchip cat feeder might be your solution. After researching various options, the best microchip cat feeder on the market appears to be the Our Pets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl.

This feeder is designed to recognize your pet’s microchip, allowing only designated pets access to the food. It also features a range of settings to customize your pet’s feeding schedule, making it easier to manage their diet. Additionally, the feeder has a relatively immediate response time, so there’s no need to worry about your pet getting stuck in the feeder.

One of the standout features of this feeder is its range. Unlike other models, this feeder has enough coverage to accommodate larger homes. It also doesn’t close on your pet’s head, a common issue with other models.

Overall, this microchip cat feeder is an excellent investment for pet owners who want to manage their pet’s feeding schedule. Its microchip recognition and customizable settings make it a reliable and convenient way to ensure your pet gets the right amount of food at the right time.

PortionPro Rx Automatic Pet Feeder (for Both Cats and Dogs) – Best Multipet Microchip Feeder

Brand: PortionProRx

Color/s: Grey

Style: Automatic 

We highly recommend the PortionPro Rx Automatic Pet Feeder for both cats and dogs. This microchip feeder is perfect for multi-pet households as it ensures that each pet only eats its designated amount of food, promoting healthy eating habits. 

The microchip-activated cat feeder is also great for cats with medical conditions that require specific diets. The feeder is easy to use and program and the design is sleek and modern. The only downside is that the sensor can be a bit bulky for smaller pets, but the provided keychain ring and zip ties make it easy to secure to a collar. 

Overall, the PortionPro Rx Automatic Pet Feeder is an excellent investment for cat owners who want to ensure their pets are well-fed and healthy.

Sure Petcare - SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect With Hub – Best Built-In Portion Control Settings

Brand: SureFlap

Color/s: White

The Sure Petcare – SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder Connect With Hub is a top-of-the-line automatic cat feeder with microchip technology. The Sureflap microchip pet feeder is designed to recognize a cat’s unique microchip or RFID collar tag, ensuring that only the designated cat can access it. 

The feeder is also compatible with an Ethernet-connected hub and a mobile app that allows owners to track their pet’s eating habits. The built-in scales and portion control settings make managing a cat’s weight easy and ensure they get the right amount of food. 

The only downside is that it can be pretty expensive compared to other automatic feeders on the market. Overall, this microchip cat feeder is an excellent product for feline owners.

Automatic Pet Feeder - Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Pet Feeder – Best Microchip Feeder for Two Cats

Brand: Wireless Whiskers

Color/s: White

Style: Automatic 

Microchip feeders for cats are an excellent solution for pet owners looking for a reliable and convenient way to manage their cat’s feeding schedule. One of the best cat microchip feeders on the market is the Automatic Pet Feeder – Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Pet Feeder.

This feeder is designed to recognize your cat’s microchip. It also features a range of settings to customize your cat’s feeding schedule, making it easier to manage their needs. Additionally, the feeder has a relatively immediate response time, so there’s no need to worry about your cat getting stuck in the feeder.

One of the standout features of the feeder is its ability to manage multiple cats. With the ability to recognize up to eight different cats, this feeder is perfect for households with numerous feline companions. It also works well for cats with different dietary needs, as the feeder can be programmed to dispense different types of food to different cats.

FAQs on Microchip Cat Feeders

Can I make a DIY microchip cat feeder?

Yes, making a DIY microchip cat feeder is possible, but it requires a certain level of technical skill and knowledge. A microchip-activated cat feeder typically uses a microcontroller to recognize a cat’s microchip and dispense food accordingly. 

If you have experience with electronics and programming, you can create your own DIY microchip cat feeder using a microcontroller and other electronic components.

However, it’s important to note that creating a DIY microchip cat feeder can be challenging and time-consuming. There are also potential risks associated with creating your own feeder, such as the possibility of malfunction or failure to recognize your cat’s microchip. 

Additionally, DIY microchip cat feeders may not be as reliable or durable as commercially available options. If you’re interested in a microchip-activated cat feeder but need more technical expertise to create your own, purchasing a commercially available option is recommended. 

Many high-quality and reliable alternatives are available on the market, and they often come with warranties and customer support to ensure that your cat receives the proper amount of food at the correct times.

Are there any Surefeed microchip cat feeder problems I should know about?

While the microchip automatic cat feeder technology has significantly improved in recent years, there are still potential issues that pet owners should be aware of when using a Surefeed microchip small dog & cat feeder. 

One common problem is that the feeder may not recognize a pet’s microchip, which can result in the pet being unable to access the food. This can be caused by various factors, such as a dirty or damaged microchip or the pet not correctly positioned in front of the feeder.

Another issue that some pet owners have reported is that the feeder can be noisy, which can be a problem for easily startled or scared pets. Additionally, some pet owners have said that the feeder is less durable than they would like, with some parts breaking or malfunctioning after only a short period of use.

Despite these potential issues, the Surefeed microchip feeder remains a popular choice among pet owners who want to manage their pet’s feeding schedule. 

Suppose you do experience any problems with your feeder. In that case, it’s recommended to contact the manufacturer for assistance, as they may be able to provide troubleshooting tips or offer a replacement if necessary.

Do I need to train my cat to use a feline microchip feeder?

Cats generally do not need extensive training to use an automatic cat feeder with microchip technology. Once the microchip feeder is set up and programmed, the cat simply needs to approach the feeder and wait for it to recognize its microchip before being allowed access to the food.

However, it’s important to note that some cats may hesitate to approach the feeder initially, especially if they are used to a different feeding routine. In these cases, placing the feeder in a location that the cat is already comfortable with, such as near their regular feeding area, may be helpful. 

Additionally, some cats may need a little encouragement to approach the feeder, such as placing a small amount of food near it to entice them to investigate.

Overall, while there may be a slight learning curve for some cats when it comes to using a microchip feeder, it is generally a straightforward and intuitive process. With a bit of patience and encouragement, most cats should be able to adapt to using a microchip feeder without any issues.

Will a microchip cat feeder stop bandit cats from eating my cat’s food?

Yes, a microchip cat feeder can effectively prevent bandit cats from eating your cat’s food. With a microchip pet feeder, only designated cats with programmed microchips or RFID tags can access the food, meaning that bandit cats without a microchip or tag cannot eat from the feeder.

This is especially helpful for multicat households, where bandit cats may try to sneak in and eat food meant for other cats. A microchip cat feeder can help ensure that each feline gets the proper amount of food and prevent any disputes over food.

Not all microchip cat feeders are created equal, and some may be more effective than others at preventing bandit cats from accessing food. Some popular options include the SureFlap microchip pet feeder and other similar microchip pet feeders that are designed specifically for multiple cats.

How many microchip feeders do I need if I have more than one cat?

If you have more than one cat and are considering using a microchip cat feeder, you must determine how many feeders you need based on your cats’ feeding habits and preferences. 

In general, it is advised to have one microchip cat feeder for each cat in the household, as this allows each cat to eat at their own pace and ensures that each cat receives the proper amount of food.

However, some microchip cat feeders are explicitly designed for multiple cats and can recognize and accommodate multiple microchips. These feeders are an excellent option for households with two or more cats, as they allow each cat to access their own designated feeding area and prevent disputes over food.

When choosing a microchip cat feeder for multiple cats, it’s essential to consider factors such as the size of the feeder, the number of microchips it can recognize, and the type of food it can dispense. Additionally, it’s important to introduce the feeder slowly to your cats and monitor their behavior to ensure they adapt well to the new feeding routine.

The number of microchip cat feeders you need will depend on your cats’ individual needs and feeding habits. While it’s recommended to have one feeder per cat, there are options available for households with multiple cats that can accommodate numerous microchips and prevent disputes over food.

How does a feline microchip feeder work?

​​A microchip pet feeder, also known as a cat microchip feeder, works by using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to recognize a cat’s unique microchip or tag. 

The feeder is programmed only to open when the correct microchip or tag is detected, allowing the designated cat access to the food.

When the cat approaches the feeder, a scanner in the feeder emits a low-level radio wave that activates the microchip or tag. The microchip or tag then transmits a unique identification code to the scanner, verifying that the correct cat is trying to access the food. If the right microchip or tag is detected, the feeder opens and allows the cat to eat.

Our Microchip Cat Feeder Buyers Guide

If you’re in the market for a microchip automatic cat feeder, there are several factors to consider before purchasing. Here are some essential features to look for when choosing the best microchip cat feeder:

Blocking Power

One of the most essential features of a microchip cat feeder is its blocking power. This refers to the ability of the feeder to prevent other pets or animals from accessing the food. Look for a feeder with a robust blocking mechanism to ensure that only your cat can access the food.

Ease of Cleaning

Another vital feature to consider is the ease of cleaning. A feeder that is difficult to clean can lead to hygiene issues and even mold growth. Look for a feeder that is easy to disassemble and clean, with dishwasher-safe parts if possible.

Power Source

Consider the power source of the feeder. Some models require batteries, while others have a power cord. If you choose a battery-powered model, make sure to select one with a long battery life. Alternatively, a feeder with a power cord can save you money on batteries in the long run.


Finally, consider the durability of the feeder. A well-built feeder will last for years, even with daily use. Look for a feeder made from high-quality materials that can withstand everyday use’s wear and tear.


Choose a feeder that is reliable and won’t malfunction. Look for a feeder with good reviews and a solid warranty. A reliable feeder will ensure your cat is constantly fed on time, even when you’re not home.

How We Tested the Products

To find the best microchip-activated cat feeder and automatic cat feeder with a microchip, we tested several models on the market. Our team of experts evaluated each feeder based on several factors, including blocking power, ease of cleaning, power source, reliability, and durability.

To test the blocking power of each feeder, we observed how each model prevented other pets or animals from accessing the food. We also tested the ease of cleaning by thoroughly disassembling and washing each feeder.

To test the power source, we evaluated the power cord’s battery life and reliability. We also assessed the reliability of each feeder by monitoring its performance over several days.

Finally, we evaluated the durability of each feeder by examining the quality of the materials used and the overall construction of the feeder. Our team of experts also conducted extensive research on each feeder, including reading reviews from other cat owners and consulting with industry experts.

By combining our own testing with research from other sources, we were able to identify the best microchip cat feeders on the market. We aim to provide cat owners with reliable, accurate information to help them choose the best automatic cat feeder with a microchip for their furry friends.

Why Trust Us

At GroomersLand , we take pride in providing reliable, accurate information to our readers. We understand that choosing the right microchip feeder for your cat can be daunting, so we have conducted extensive research and testing to provide you with the best possible information.

Our team of experts includes experienced cat owners, veterinarians, and industry professionals who have years of experience in the pet industry. We have tested and evaluated numerous microchip feeders for cats, and we only recommend products that meet our high standards.

We prioritize transparency in our reviews and always disclose any potential conflicts of interest. We do not accept payment or incentives from manufacturers, so you can trust that our reviews are unbiased and impartial.

In addition to our own testing and research, we also consult with other industry experts and read reviews from other cat owners to ensure that we are providing a comprehensive and accurate assessment of each microchip feeder for cats.

We take pride in our reputation for providing trustworthy and reliable information to our readers. When you read our reviews of microchip cat feeders, you can trust that you are getting the most accurate and up-to-date information.

By trusting our reviews, you can feel confident in your decision to purchase a microchip feeder for your cat, knowing that you have made an informed choice based on reliable information.

Cat eating pet food in a feeder


After extensive research and testing, we have concluded that the Our Pets Smart Link Intelligent Pet Care Selective Feeder Automatic Pet Bowl is the best microchip cat feeder on the market. This feeder offers a wide range of features, making it a reliable and convenient choice for cat owners.

One of the standout features of this cat microchip feeder is its selective feeding technology, which allows you to program the feeder to only open for a specific cat based on its microchip or RFID tag. This ensures that each cat receives the correct portion size and prevents other pets or animals from accessing the food.

The feeder also offers a variety of feeding modes, including portion control and timed feeding, which allows you to customize your cat’s feeding schedule to fit their needs. The feeder is also easy to clean, with dishwasher-safe parts and a removable bowl for easy washing.

Regarding durability, this cat feeder is made from high-quality materials and is built to last. It also comes with a one-year warranty for added peace of mind.

Overall, this is the best microchip cat feeder on the market. Its advanced features, reliability, and durability make it a top choice for cat owners looking for an easy and straightforward way to feed their furry friends.

Why not check out our review article on cat breath mints and include this in the purchase for your new microchip cat feeder?

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