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How to Use Dog Nail Clippers Safely and Properly!

How to Use Dog Nail Clippers Safely and Properly!

This article will teach you everything you need to know about how to use dog nail clippers.

Dog nail clippers are a great way to trim your dog’s nails, but they can be dangerous if you don’t know how to use them.

You’ll learn what the best type of dog nail clipper is for your pup, how often you should clip their nails, and more. If you’re looking for some quick tips on clipping your puppy’s nails at home, this article has got it all.

Let’s get started!

The Importance of Keeping Your Dog Nails Trimmed 

Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is essential for their health.

You’ll want to trim the nail so that it doesn’t touch the ground when walking on all fours, which could cause pain in the paw and lead to other problems like infection or injury from stepping on something sharp while walking around outside.

Trimming dog nails also prevents them from scratching furniture or people, leading to some serious injuries if not taken care of promptly.

The Different Types of Dog Nail Clippers on The Market

There are three common types of dog nail clippers: scissors, pliers, and guillotine.

Guillotine Nail Clippers

Smaller dogs and medium-sized dogs with thinner nails should use guillotine nail cutters. With one swift move, the blade comes down on your dog’s nail to chop off just enough of it for them not to feel pain or discomfort while still having it at a healthy length!

This is great because many people will forget they are trimming their pet’s claws until it’s too late. For conditions such as arthritis in elderly pets, this can be an excellent option since there isn’t much pressure needed when using these clippers around arthritic joints.

Scissors Dog Nail Clippers

These nail clippers have a blade on one end and handle the other. They work just like regular scissors. A toenail that has grown so long that it is curling in a circle is trimmed using scissors. This type of clipper is used for cutting the nails of large dogs.

Pliers Dog Nail Clippers

Pliers-style type dog nail clippers have springs for added strength. This type of clipper is suitable for dogs of all breeds and all sizes.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dog Nail Clipping

Dog nail care is essential for the animal’s general health and quality of life. When a pet’s nails grow too long, it might make it difficult for them to walk or stand.

Because they are not walking properly, it might cause harm to their hips and joints over time. All pet owners should have a basic understanding of how to cut their pet’s nails properly and preferably not cause the pet any discomfort!

Countless dogs have been injured or allowed to escape during dog grooming at big box pet store chains. Most of these stores are out to make profits. That’s why you’ll find most pets often handled in a hurry and carelessly as well.

So what’s the best step for you as a guardian to take? You should consider trimming dog nails at home where they feel safe and comfortable.

Before giving it a try, you ought to know the essential best practices for at-home dog nail clipping. Follow these do’s and don’ts to ensure the well-being of your dog during dog nail trimming.


Trim Dog Nails Regularly

You need to cut dog nails regularly. Overgrown nails can pose a risk to dogs’ well-being, and cutting a dog’s nail that has overgrown can be too stressful and uncomfortable for your dog. When dogs are uncomfortable, they are less likely to cooperate. So, try as much as you can to trim the nails of your dog more often.

Set The Mood

Although dog nail trimming may not necessitate candles and soft music, choosing the correct time and location is critical. Select a quiet room away from action, as well as a time when your home is reasonably quiet. If you’re relaxed and patient, your pet is much more likely to respond well to nail trimming.

Use Best Angle

When clipping your pet’s nails, hold the clippers at a 45-degree angle. Make a rapid and decisive cut. If you’re overly cautious, you might not be able to cut the nail completely. This implies you’ll have to restart the process!

Use Appropriate Dog Nail Clippers

It is a matter of personal preference whether to use a guillotine or scissors. You might wish to experiment with both types of nail trimmers to see which is the most user-friendly. Look for nail trimmers that are easy to cut dog nails, don’t shred the nails, and aren’t too bulky. Over time, dog nail clippers can get dull. Ensure that they are sharpened or replaced regularly.

Be Patient

Dogs may sense your anxiety, so keep yourself calm and relaxed. Set aside as much time as possible for dog nail clipping sessions. Slow down and pay close attention to what you’re doing while keeping an eye on your dog’s reaction. If necessary, clip your dog’s nails a few at a time.

Always remember to lavish praise, stroking, and treats on your dog. Make it a pleasurable experience for your dog, and they’ll ultimately become used to it and feel more at ease.

Ask for Help

In some circumstances, no matter how patiently you approach clipping dog nails, it may still be a challenge. If you don’t feel comfortable trimming your pet’s nails yourself, contact a dog grooming services company or your veterinarian.  


Don’t Rush

Would you like it if your nail technician was in a hurry? No, and neither would your dog. It is not always possible to clip all of your pet’s nails in one session, even if that is your goal.

Don’t Cut Nails Too Short

It’s painful to cut your dog’s nails too short, and it can disturb even the calmest dog. The “quick” blood vessel is found on the claws of dogs. Cutting into the quick can cause a lot of canine nail bleeding and discomfort. If you’re not sure where the quick is, simply chop off the tips of the nails more often. Cut your dog’s toenails if they develop “hooks.”

Don’t Use Dog Nail Clippers With a Guard

Some canine nail clippers come with a guard to prevent too much trimming. However, this has the disadvantage of blocking your view. Instead, use your finger as a guard or clip the dog’s nails when its paws are resting on a hard surface like the floor or a table. This will serve as a guard.

Yet, If you prefer to use the nail clippers with a guard, you should first consult your veterinarian to show you how to use dog nail clippers with a guard.

Don’t Forget About Your Grooming Supplies

Dog nail trimmer blades should be sharpened regularly and replaced every few years at the very least. Blades that are filthy or dull will not cut well and will strain and twist at your dog’s nails.

What Will I Need to Clip my Dog’s Nails?

For grooming, you’ll need clippers with two size ranges for the material that surrounds your dog’s nails.

You will also need a metal file (to smooth and clear dirt from the nail), nail polish, treats, veggies/peanut butter to put in their mouth when clipping is required or necessary.

The dog nail clippers should have a circle on them with the number 3 on one side and pointy blades on the other side–these are for long nails. The other set of clippers have circles in them with numbers 1 through 4–these are for short nails and touching up after trimming.

One needs to know which type they have because if you use the wrong type, it will be ineffective and hurt your furry friend.

What Should I do Before Using Dog Nail Clippers?

Some dogs possess hypersensitive feet and prefer not to have them touched. Usually, you should begin training your dog when it’s a puppy. 

Before you begin clipping, you can help by touching your dog’s leg and pressing on every toe. Make sure to give them a treat as a reward.

You can also assist your dog by exhausting them with a good run or some other sort of activity. If you don’t feel comfortable cutting your dog’s nails or if your dog becomes too huge to hold down, get the help of a friend or family member.

What to do When You Cut Your Dog’s Nails Into the Quick

If you cut the quick by mistake:

  1. Apply pressure to the wound for at least two minutes with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  2. Rub a bar of clean, scent-free soap over the bleeding if it’s minimal. If the bleeding is consistent, putting ice in a folded cloth or paper towel will reduce blood flow. 
  3. Cup your hand and pour styptic powder or corn starch (with or without baking soda) into your palm. Put the dog’s bleeding nail gently into the styptic powder, then repeat if the nail does not stop bleeding.
  4. Before dipping it, don’t wipe away the blood because it will help stop bleeding. Continue to press the incision with a paper towel or cloth once the bleeding has stopped, being careful not to pressure the paw. For at least 30 minutes, keep the dog off its feet.
  5. Wash the afflicted nail with lukewarm water and bandage it to avoid licking and infection once the dog nail bleeding has stopped. If bleeding persists after 20–30 minutes, normal clotting is not occurring, and a veterinarian should be consulted right away.
  6. Consult a veterinarian if the dog’s toe becomes red, swollen, or does not seem to be healing after a few days.

Which Dog Nail Clippers Are Best For My Dog?

Dog nail trimming can be complicated, especially if you don’t know which clippers to use. However, if you have the necessary tools and know how to use them, it may be a much easier portion of your dog’s grooming routine.

Here are the best dog nail clippers in the market:

Millers Forge Pet Nails Clipper

Despite their low price, these super-basic cutters work well for tiny breeds and will last a long time. They don’t have any flashy features, but they’ll get the job done.

Safari Professional Nail Trimmer for Dogs

Because you just put the nail inside the hole and snip, guillotine-style nail clippers are faster for some than scissor-style clippers. If your pet is afraid of having its nails clipped, you must act quickly.

GoPets Nail Clippers

Sharp, precise blades, ergonomic handles, and a safety guard helps prevent over-cutting with these heavy-duty nail clippers. If you buy the right size, they’ll work for both large and tiny dogs.

Boshel Dog Nail Clippers

These high-quality clippers with non-slip handles and a safety guard prevent you from clipping too short. It also includes a file for smoothing off any rough edges.

Sturdy Pet Nail Clippers

These sturdy nail clippers have the heft and sharp blades to handle the nails of labs, Great Danes, and Huskies. They cut cleanly without requiring much hand power and lock shut while not in use, so you won’t cut yourself reaching into the dog food bin.

Dremel 7300-Dog Nail Grinder

This cutting-edge, rechargeable tool makes it simple to grind a dog’s claws to a flawlessly groomed length. 

You may further soothe your pet by letting them sit or lie in a comfortable position as the two-speed rotary tool quickly sands down sharp and overgrown claws because this handy clipper is cordless.

Oster Dog Nail Trimmer

Use the Oster Gentle Paws Nail Trimmer on their fragile tiny paws. Trim dog nails in a stress-free, quick, and kind manner.

Everything you need to clip your dog’s nails efficiently is included in this powerful 2-speed trimmer. The Gentle Paws uses a whisper-quiet rotary motor to cut dog nails quickly and use the same technology as professional groomers.

How to Use Dog Nail Clippers—Your Step-by-Step Guide

  1. First, make sure you and your dog are in a quiet, well-lit area. Choose one with monotone or white walls if at all possible (this will help your vision).
  1. Introduce your dog to the clippers by showing them to your dog and let them sniff. Give your dog a yummy reward and let  know that the clipper is a good thing.
  1. Keep moving the clippers closer to your dog’s foot while offering goodies and praises.
  1. Along the process, gently tap the clippers on the rear and front paws to reward them. 
  1. After your dog has become accustomed to the clippers and the tool being near its paws, you need to get them to adapt to the sensation of being confined.
  1. Hold your dog for a few moments and run the clippers over their paws before rewarding them with a goodie. 
  1. Before your dog starts to struggle, let them out. Do this a few times until you can hold your dog in a position where you can clip their nails.
  1. Be careful to treat and praise your dog throughout these steps. As you progress to the next phase, this will guarantee that your dog remains calm, relaxed, and enthusiastic.
  1. Trim the hair on your dog’s feet before you start clipping their nails if they have a lot of it. You’ll have clear eyesight and no chance of tangles with your dog’s fur in the trimmer this way.
  2. You will be able to see the quick if your dog’s nails are white or clear in color. The dog’s nails will have a faint pink line running up them. On each nail, make your incision just above where the quick stops are located.
  1. You won’t be able to see the quick if your dog has dark or black nails. Start with very minor trims and watch for a dark dot to emerge at the tip of your dog’s nail after each one. STOP cutting the dogs’ nails when you notice that dark dot–this is the quick coming into view.
  1. You can also use a Dremel for dogs’ nail grinder or filer for the entire procedure or only the final smoothing. Keep the Dremel head moving to avoid heat build-up on the nail, which can be uncomfortable for your dog.

The Finishing Touches

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when it comes to choosing the right type of dog nail clipper for your pet. The more time and effort you put into finding the perfect tool, the better experience both you and your pup will have. 

With these tips in mind, we hope that clipping becomes an easier process—one where everyone is happy!

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